Kelly delighted with 'deadly night' after brace against former club

15th November 2023

A rapturous rendition of “Kelly, Kelly” greeted the final whistle, as the Gypsie faithful welcomed their latest hero with open arms having just witnessed recent recruit Daniel Kelly bag a brace and run riot against his former side Bray Wanderers. Bo

A rapturous rendition of “Kelly, Kelly” greeted the final whistle, as the Gypsie faithful welcomed their latest hero with open arms having just witnessed recent recruit Daniel Kelly bag a brace and run riot against his former side Bray Wanderers. Bohs ran out comfortable winners in the one sided encounter 6-0 in the end, and could even afford to miss a penalty, but it was the pacey front man who caught the eye and seemingly the hearts of the fans with another outstanding performance. “Deadly night, I was delighted at how things went to be honest, couldn’t of been better I don’t think and something I dreamt of,” said the talented front man, making his first start having impressed off the bench against Sligo Rovers the previous week. On his almost instant cult her status he went on to say, “I got a great reception last week which I was chuffed with and made me feel at ease, because when I played here earlier in the season and scored with Bray I got a bit of stick! But its well known how passionate and vocal the fans are so it’s a great feeling that they took to me straight away. And everyone loves hearing their name being sang, and it makes you want to work hard repay them.” In a quite amazing moment, Bohs won their second penalty of the game after Bray stopper brought down the rampaging right back Andy Lyons resulting in a chorus of “Kelly, Kelly” around The home of Irish football as the home fans urged their new star to complete his hat-trick. Corcoran subsequently missed the spot kick and some sarcastic boo’s erupted. “I didn’t mind Dinny taking the first one, but when we got the second I gave him a bit of a look to say “go on, let me have it” but he pulled rank I guess, and it’s all good”, He said jokingly, “It’s all about the team, I got my two goals and more than happy with that. Overall, the three points was all that was mattered and puts a bit of a gap between us and Limerick now, so hopefully we can kick on and start looking up rather than down.”